Bristol Games Jam a Huge Success

We helped organise the recent Bristol Game Jam, part of the huge Global Game Jam, taking place in 44 countries with over 1500 games made (more about what a 'Game Jam' is here).  The event was a huge success with full attendance and lots of great games made.  For example this one (below) which is notable as it won a Bristol award for including accessibility functionality within its development (a sub-theme at this years event).

Made during the Global Games Jam 2012 in Bristol in around 15 hours. Play it here: Gather your friends (or foes) as this game is best played with 3 people. Guide Your Space Snake using either A, G or L, avoid the meteorites, eat the planets then eat your own tail to be crowned the Super Space Snake.

Tomas has written a longer blog post about it here.