Urgent sale to raise money for Australian Animal Rescue Inc (AAR) - 100% of the sales go to help rescue animals

It’s been hard to watch the massive bushfires spread around and engulf southeastern Australia. 

So far, 1.5 million acres of natural land and the lives built in and around it have been destroyed. It’s killed at least 26 people, more than a billion animals, and damaged or obliterated nearly 3,000 homes. Devastating.

We’ve been asking ourselves, as a game studio based in Bristol, UK, what we can do from all the way over here. We make and sell games, so the answer to what we can do to help out those who are trying to handle this emergency is obvious. 

Until midnight on January 19, 2020, we’re donating 100% of the money from the sales of our new board game Mars Horizon: Blast Off to Australian Animal Rescue Inc (AAR).


We’ve chosen Australian Animal Rescue Inc (AAR) as the charity we’ll be giving all the money to as we are big animals lovers and they’re working incredibly hard saving wildlife and domestic animals as we speak. Auroch Digital will also be making a separate donation to AAR on top of the sale money.

AAR is a non-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers who came together after the devastating April 2009 bushfires. Since then, its members have been working to rescue wildlife from bushfires and provide as many supplies as possible to affected people and animals - both wild and domestic.

The team helps even further by acting as an information resource during these crises, as well as by helping shelters and finding ways to source funding to cope with these disasters.

Follow the Australian Animal Rescue Inc (AAR) Facebook page to get live updates of what they are doing to help, you can share their posts and see what your donations will be going towards.

At the beginning of 2020, AAR managed to raise £10,134 AUD for medical supplies and animal food that is delivered to evacuation points set up in response to the current bushfires.

We’d be eternally grateful if you could help us raise even more money for AAR’s cause by purchasing Mars Horizon: Blast Off. It’s a board game that tasks each player with launching the first manned mission to Mars. It’s great fun, accessible, and we’re very proud of it. You get to enjoy a great new game and know that your money is going to save some animals in need.

If you can’t afford to buy the game but still want to help out then you can donate money directly to Australian Animal Rescue Inc on its website

Another way to help is to share this blog post with as many people as you can to make them aware of how they can help those affected by the Australian bushfires. 

This is a real crisis for our times and we can’t sit idly by as it continues to ruin the lives of helpless animals and the people who care for them. Thanks in advance for any help you provide.

Below is a gallery of the animals AAR have been rescuing, your donation will help them to save many more just like these: